Friday, February 19, 2010

Waiting for June

The payment is sent; I'm officially on the CSA list for 2010.  Another payment will be due to Fort Hill Farm in May (I think) for 400-something dollars. 

My husband gets a little frustrated with the cost.  I've tried to explain to him that while we may be spending more on vegetables than usual, we are also eating more vegetables than usual.  Once I've paid for something, I use it.  That's why I pre-pay my Pilates and yoga classes.  I'm way too cheap...I should say 'frugal' simply spend money and not use it.

There are good reasons for eating more vegetables, too.  I'm now 40.  My family has a terrible heart disease history.  If I don't exercise and watch my diet, I'm destined to wear the "zipper" of open heart surgery like so many of my relatives.  No way.  I'm terrified of anesthesia.  I've been frightened into a healthy lifestyle. 

The grocery store continues to disappoint.  I have a true aversion to buying things packaged in foam and plastic.  Everything, now, it seems, is packaged in airtight little tombs to preserve freshness over thousands of miles.

I can't wait for June when I can eat my real vegetables.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Midwinter Veggie Withdrawal

I received an e-mail from Fort Hill Farm today.  My next share payment is due.  I need to send roughly $250 to a farmer for vegetables that I won't get to eat until mid-June.  It sounds dubious, I suppose, to those who haven't bought into the idea of a CSA, but after the constant supply of beautiful, organic veggies of last summer contrasted with the supermarket lackluster selection that we've been surviving on lately, I'm ready to gamble again.